Ending our summer in the Hamptons with 3 wonderful days with Dimitri (the future father of my kittens) I had to admit that it had been a pretty good year. Yes - there had been some traumatic events for my adopted parents but I had gone from a hit-and-run accident to a chicken coop in the Bronx where the temperature often went below freezing. Then suddenly - out of the blue - I was picked up and put into the arms of a smiling young woman and suddenly it felt like everything was going to be OK.
And for a while - it was. I found myself in a warm, comfortable apartment on Sutton Place. One day my humans realized I was pregnant and suddenly we were 8 cats instead of one. I thanked my lucky stars that my humans liked cats and again thought everything would be "OK" - but I soon found out that my life with humans was going to be like a roller coaster ride. Some days would be wonderful - and other times we would all be very, very sad. Because as you will see in this second book of my meowmoir - life was full of surprises. However one thing never changed, No matter how bad things could get - my humans loved us and we never had to worry that we might get hurt. Really all I had to worry about was my humans. It was clear they needed a lot of help. And I really hoped and wanted to help heal them.
Destiny Kalser