The PURRfect stocking stuffer for your cat-loving friends & relatives!
The heart-warming story of an orphaned kitten’s journey from a gutter in the Bronx to a fancy condo in Manhattan, and weekends in the Hamptons – along with a view of the ’60s and us human beings from a cat’s point of view.

Coming Soon...

After meeting her soulmate, Dimitri, a regal Siamese, and giving birth to her 7 kittens, Destiny and her offspring find themselves embroiled in the roller coaster ride that became Fern’s life. Unexpectedly they find they must adapt to roommates, hotel rooms and other strange surroundings as the humans in their lives try to figure out their own lives. As Destiny says, “It always amazed me how humans made their lives so much more complicated than they had to be. It wasn’t always smooth sailing but Fern and I managed to survive. She went on to become an award winning TV and film producer and I became an author”.
A meowmoir/memoir you won't want to miss.